I had to look into how to require a customer phone number using PayPal Express Checkout recently and just found the process to be a pain. Since I don’t work in the PayPal setups/development screens often, I was hoping to just search google and find the answer. It didn’t work out so easily.
Well, I eventually found out how to make the phone number a required field in PayPal Express Checkout. These are the steps:
Login => goto My Account => select Profile =>
select “See the classic Profile version” (the new stuff is garbage)

Select “Website Payment Preferences” under Selling Preferences

Select radio button “On (Required Field)” under Contact Telephone Number

That’s it. That’s how you can either require or set optional a contact telephone number in your Paypal Express Checkout account.
As a reference, and after far too long searching, I found the documentation on a seemingly obscure developer document at: https://www.x.com/docs/DOC-1367. You’ll find the instructions (the same as I gave) under the heading “Require a Contact Phone Number”. Since this reference is no longer available I’m updating a good set of applicable guidance found here.
Thanks for visiting my post. I’ll continue to update any futher developments on this front.
10 Responses to “Require Phone Number in PayPal Express Checkout”
Jora Composter
ereckers thanks for this information! I have been going nuts trying to figure out how to get a customer phone number required in Express Checkout. PayPal was absolutely no help at all!
Stacey Riska
As we say in Hawaiian, MAHALO!!! That was a huge problem for us — not being able to reach someone when there was a question/issue with their order. You’ve been a HUGE help!!!!
Thank you for this
really really thank you!!
Thanks a million.. I sometimes find paypal to be the worst backend to navigate around! Nothing is straightforward. You’ve saved me a lot of time 🙂
Crap…the “see the classic profile” link is gone! Ughhh…now what?
My selling tools:Website Preferences:Update
towards the bottom of the preferences
This took me about 30 minutes to find..Good grief
Really Superb… Helped a lot.. Thanks buddy 🙂
It’s 2022 and I’m still looking for this information…
Any idea if this requirement can be passed dynamically and only required in certain circumstances, like for when international shipping is selected in checkout?